Community and Communism in Russia - Jacques Camatte

'A revolutionary assembly In a village, March 1917' in Illustrlerte Geschlchte der russlschen Revolution ed. W, Astrov, A. Slepkov and J, Thomas, Neuer Deutscher Verlag - Willi MUnzenberg, Berlin, 1928.

This text was originally intended to be the introduction to a french language edition of two of Amadeo Bordiga's texts on Russia : Russia and Revolution in Marxist Theory and Economic and Social Structure of Russia Today.

This translation by David Brown was published in London in 1978.

Submitted by libcom on July 28, 2005

Publication Details

This text was originally intended to be the introduction to a french language edition of two of Amadeo Bordiga's texts on Russia : Russia and Revolution in Marxist Theory and Economic and Social Structure of Russia Today. However this proposed edition was the subject of legal action by the International Communist Party who claimed they held the copyright and was never published. Camatte's introduction was finally published in Invariance Series II, n. 4, 1974. This translation by David Brown was published in London in 1978.

Subsequently part of Bordiga's Economic and Social Structure of Russia Today was published (first by Editions de l'oubli in 1975, later by Spartacus) with a different introduction by Camatte. Russia and Revolution in Marxist Theory itself was finally published by Spartacus in 1978.
